Snow Shovelling Tips

Posted by on Jan 29, 2013 in News, Snow and Ice Control | Comments Off on Snow Shovelling Tips

We were asked today by a new comer to Canada about some tips for snow removal. At first I thought it was a strange question, then I thought a little more; what an amazing question. The gentleman was from Japan. He also wanted to know more about snow plowing. So here are our recommendations to make your battle with the weighty white nuisance a little easier.

Snow Shovel

Snow Shoveling Tips

Stretch first

Take it easy, don’t be in a hury to get outside. Sometime a little patience can nsure all of the snow has fallen so yoru are not doing multiple snow shovelling sessions. Stretch thoroughly, one of favoritie stretch is to take your snow shovel and hold it behind yoru back at shoulder level and turn. Stretch your hamstrings, stretch your back.


 Dress in removable layers, wear a outer shell that is waterproof. Wear snow pants, never wear denim as your outside layer. Denim gets wet and retains the moisture making you cold. You need to stay warm, but if you overdress you’re going to be soaked in sweat in no time. Dress in loose-fitting layers that you can peel off as you heat up.

Move snow the shortest distance possible

Dress in removable layers, wear a outer shell that is waterproof. Wear snow pants, never wear denim as your outside layer. Denim gets wet and retains the moisture making you cold. You need to stay warm, but if you overdress you’re going to be soaked in sweat in no time. Dress in loose-fitting layers that you can peel off as you heat up.

Move snow the shortest distance possible

Move the snow from the center o to the nearest edge.

Clear cars first

Brush snow off cars then clear around the cars.

Maintain a good posture

A. Use your leg muscles as much as possible – push snow when you can and use your legs to lift when you can’t push it.
B. Keep your back straight as you move from the squat position to the upright position.
C. Use your shoulder muscles as much as possible.
D. Hold the snow shovel as close to your upper body as possible.
E. Keep one hand close to the shovel blade for better leverage.
F. Don’t twist your upper body as you throw snow.

 Keep hydrated

Take bottles of water out with you and keep them accessible, either in the car or on the front stoop or somewhere else convenient.

Be thorough but not fussy

The sun is relatively strong when it comes out will clear up any lines left from adjoining stripes of snow shovelling.  spread de-icer if necessary and then let the sun do the rest. The fact is, any surface color that you expose in shovelling (gray, green, brown or black) will be far less reflective than a thick blanket of snow, and remaining snow will melt more easily from that darker surface.

Whenever possible, team up.

Get a friend, family member involved. Snow removal is  better exercise than going to the gym.

Whenever possible, get a head start

It’s easier to remove snow in thin layers than wait until all the snow is down to have at it. If it looks like your area is going to get dumped on, try to get out there and shovel it in several passes.

Maintain your equipment

The front edge of a snow shovel takes a beating. If it’s metal, hammer it straight when it gets bent; if it’s plastic use a utility knife to carve off the burr that forms on its end. Tighten a loose handle by driving a large hex head sheet metal screw through the blade socket and into the handle.